In IO Ninja, each connection tab that you open is a separate "session," and you can add "layer" on top of the sessions to extend its functionality. "Layer" is created as scripts using IO Ninja IDE and written in Jancy scripting language.
There isn't a specific location you need to keep the script files in, but one good location is the native installation folder that holds scripts at
C:\Program Files\Tibbo\Ninja 3\scripts\plugins
The advantage of doing so is that the system will recognize the script and in the future can be called directly from "New Layer", else, you will need to use "Open" and navigate to the folder where the file is residing.
The added layer script is shown in the "New Layer" list.
So, the layer that we added adds "Line Feed" when you send a "Carriage Return". When we typed in the "Terminal" window 5 characters "1234CarriageReturn", it actually will now send 6 characters "1234CarriageReturnLineFeed".
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