Wiegand Card Reader - EM2001/TPS
Hardware Requirements:
TPP2-G2 board/EM2001 board
Power Tibbit #09 or #10 or #33,#18 along with Wiegand Tibbit #08, Connector Tibbit #20, for TPS setup
Wiegand Tibbit for EM20010 setup
Power source to power TPS/EM2001
Router for LAN Network
Jumper cables
Software Requirements:
TPP2-G2/EM2001 respective TiOS firmware
TDST (Tibbo Device Server Toolkit)
TIDE (Tibbo Integrated Development Environment)
EM2001 Connection Layout:
EM2001 is pretty straightforward with Wiegand Tibbit #08, the user needs to find the way to power #08 and card reader.
The first important part is powering the Wiegand Tibbit #08 as we are NOT using the #08 with Tibbo Project System (TPS) TPPx-G2 board in this setup, but the 5V Pin "12" and Ground pin "6" are still available for power input.
Please take a note while supplying the power to #08, we still have to obey the rules of TPS concerning the electrical connection of tiles and sockets as all the Tibbits are designed for TPS boards, so the power supply should NOT exceed 5V to the respective pin on #08.
The second important part is to connect the control line of #08 to any of the GPIO pins on EM2001 so that we can keep the pin state HIGH to select the Wiegand mode.
You can find more information on the electrical connection of TPS "Tiles" and "Sockets" here.
While the details of Wiegand Tibbit #08 is available here.
TPP2-G2 (TPS) Connection Layout:
TPP2-G2 board (TPS) with Wiegand Tibbit #08 the connection consist of 4 jumper cables connected to the card reader. The card reader is getting the power from #08 from pin 04 (VCC) and the ground line is connected to the TPS system on pin 5 of 9-pin connector Tibbit #20.
CODY for Startup:
Generate the project using Cody by selecting the EM2001/TPP2G2 board as your device and adding the respective Tibbits shown in the connection layout.
The code is almost perfect using EM2001 as a selected device in CODY, but we need to add a few lines of code to define the state of the CONTROL line on Tibbit #08 using the corresponding GPIO connected in EM2001, in my case the CONTROL line is connected at pin number "13" on EM2001.
Respective code added in my EM2001 project is:
'Control Line setup => Pin 13 connected to Control line of Wiegand Tibbit #08
While for TPP2G2 board with Tibbit #08 CODY will take care of the CONTROL line code structure.
In the "Features" tab, enable the Ethernet feature and fill in the respective IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway address of your LAN network.
Download the project file to your computer, and if you want to make any changes to the TIDE project file, you can change the IP address or change the respective pin assignments on EM2001/TPP2G2 and move the #08 to another socket as per your project requirement.
Add a little logic to display the data you will receive on the serial port of Wiegand by selecting on_ser_data_arrival event.
Connect the EM2001/TPP2G2 board to the power supply and LAN network and compile the application to check for any errors.
After compiling, select the target device (TPP2G2/EM2001) and start to debug, try to swipe HID cards on the card reader to get the respective card number displayed on the debug window of TIDE.
The final results will appear like this.
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